Track Your Weight, View Your Progress. And Get Insights With AI To Improve and Hit Your Goal.

Designed for fitness enthusiasts, gyms, and personal trainers, our platform empowers users to track their progress, achieve goals, enhance performance, and gain valuable insights through advanced AI technology.

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Main Features of PSS | TMW

Here A Few Highlighted Features Of The App.

Free For Personal Users

Our app is free for personal use! If you're a gym or a personal trainer managing multiple clients, consider opting for our tailored Gym Plan or PT Plan to enhance your experience. Limited time offer.

Access Anywhere

Access our application on any device, anywhere. Available on the web, Android, and iOS, our app ensures your data stays with you on any device. Plus, offline support is on the way!

Powerful Dashboard

Our dashboard delivers clear, real-time information at a glance, powered by Firebase for blazing-fast performance and zero downtime. Enhanced with robust data security measures, your information is safe with us. If you're on a Gym Plan or PT Plan, enjoy a customisable dashboard and database tailored to your needs. For more details, please contact us.

Incorporated With AI

Enhanced with the cutting-edge capabilities of GPT-4, offers clear, real-time information, comprehensive summaries, and detailed reports. It provides tailored advice to help you improve performance and reach your fitness goals effectively.(Coming Soon!)

About Us

Designed by Gym Goers, for Gym Goers — Meticulously Built for You.

I used to juggle multiple apps to track my gym progress, which was frustrating and often led to missed updates. This inspired me to create a single, streamlined app that combines all those features into one user-friendly platform.

Our app is currently in beta, actively evolving with new features. You can already use it to track your weight, monitor progress, and view key metrics like BMI and BMR. Future updates will introduce AI enhancements to personalise your fitness journey. This AI technology will analyze your stats to provide tailored advice and detailed progress reports. Additionally, we're developing features to track your dietary intake and workouts. The AI will offer recommendations on meal planning and exercise routines, helping you make informed decisions to achieve your fitness goals effectively. Join us now to shape the future of fitness technology!

For gyms and personal trainers, our app provides tools to view client progress metrics, book sessions, and communicate directly within the app. We are expanding our services to include leisure centers, boxing, and MMA gyms, adding even more features to support diverse fitness disciplines. All data is kept private and secure, ensuring that it is never shared with third parties.


Our Pricing Plans

Explore a range of pricing options tailored to meet your needs. Each plan offers distinct features, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your fitness journey.

Personal Use

Free (Limited Time)

  • 1 User
  • All Features
  • Lifetime access
  • Free updates
  • 3 AI Reports and Summaries A Week

PT Plan


  • 1 PT Account
  • 5 Clients
  • Plus £1 Monthly Fee per Additional Client
  • All Features
  • Lifetime access
  • Separate Database
  • 3 AI Reports and Summaries A Week Per Client

Gym Plan

Enquire Today

  • 5 Super Accounts
  • 20 Clients
  • Plus £1 Monthly Fee per Additional Client
  • All Features
  • 7 AI Reports and Summaries A Week Per Client
  • Separate Database
  • 24/7 HelpLine Support
  • Customised Dashboard With Company Branding

Any Questions? Answered

Got Questions ? We've got answers.

Getting started is simple! If you're an individual user, just sign up, verify your email, and begin tracking your weight. If you're a personal trainer or represent a gym, please contact us to set up your account and database. We'll make sure everything is ready for you to start using the app.
The safety of your data, along with that of all users, is a top priority for us. We employ advanced security measures including data encryption, secure servers, and compliance with privacy laws to ensure that your information is protected at all times. Regular security audits and updates help to safeguard against unauthorised access and data breaches. We are committed to maintaining a secure and trustworthy environment for all our users.
Coming soon: An upgraded AI system will offer deeper insights and expand individual account capacities from three to seven.
As of May 2024, offline support is not yet available, but we recognise that some areas experience weak or poor reception. We are actively working on this feature and will notify you as soon as it's ready. Rest assured, this update will be provided free of charge.
We've chosen to develop our platform as a Progressive Web App (PWA) instead of separate iOS and Android apps. This decision allows us to provide a seamless, consistent experience across all devices without the need for multiple downloads. PWAs offer excellent performance and the flexibility to update and deploy features quickly, ensuring you always have access to the latest enhancements without the need to visit an app store.
As of May 2024, users are unable to delete their accounts directly. However, you can request account deletion by emailing our support team. Please be aware that deletion is a permanent and irreversible action. Once we process the deletion, your data and account are immediately erased from our database.

Let’s talk!
Any Features Or Bugs?

Our Location

London - UK

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